ACMD--Activiated Manganese Dioxide
Applications: Polysulfide sealant, catalyst etc.
Activated Manganese Dioxide is an Inorganic Compound with the molecular formula MnO2, it is a black or brown powder. Activated Manganese Dioxide Precipitates manganese dioxide from aqueous alkaline or acidic media, then the sediment is washed thoroughly and dried at elevated temperatures. ACMD is widely used for polysulfide sealant and Catalyst. Qingchong stands out as a specialized manufacturer of activated manganese dioxide, distinguished by a multifaceted array of strengths that include high-quality products, innovative processes and comprehensive technical support.
CAS#: 1313-13-9 Particle Size: 100~600 Mesh
Purity: 78%-85% Appearance: Black or brown powder
CMD--Chemical Manganese Dioxide
Applications: Electronics industry, rerrites Manufacturing, high performance battery industry etc.
Chemical Manganese Dioxide consists of a precipitated MnO2, which is produced using different processes. It is a brown-black powder remains, which is practically insoluble in water. Even with cold sulfuric or nitric acid, there is virtually no reaction. In the electronics industry, CMD can be found in varistors, thermistors and capacitors, among other things. In addition, also in ferrites and as an oxygen supplier in oxidizing reactions. It is also used as an inorganic pigment as well as in the glass industry.
CAS#: 1313-13-9 Particle Size: 100~600 Mesh
Purity: 90%~99% Appearance: Black or brown powder